Ok, Sassenachs. Um, are we all ok because if I'm honest with you, I'm still processing what my eyes just witnessed in Outlander season 7 episode 11, "A Hundredweight of Stones." Whenever you think this show can't surprise you more, it goes and does just that. Here's our review of the episode on Starz. I'm a show-only fan so my views reflect that. SPOILERS BELOW.

The episode starts with Claire and Lord John geting married, and it hurts my heart to see as much as it's obviously hurting Claire in her grief. Look, we're all fans of Lord John. But with what comes next, I don't care how much we love a character. Jamie and Claire should only be with each other at this point no matter the circumstances.
Caitríona Balfe just continues to amaze me with her acting and just how talented she is. Her absolute heartbreak and torture of losing the man she loves translates onscreen so well. Her yells and wails, I couldn't hold it together you guys. Even though we all know Jamie is alive. She obviously doesn't. Through all of that, Lord John is hurting just as much and comes in and says, "I will not mourn him alone tonight."
Lord John. My man. I love you, but this is kind of your fault. No, you should have mourned him alone thank you very much. Claire is as much responsible for her own decisions as well. And look, they are both utterly heartbroken and grieving. But this was not the way to do deal with it. The writers try to explain that Claire and Lord John were both thinking of Jamie as they were in bed together. And later in the episode, Lord John declares "All we have is each other. And if we have each other, then we have him."
Yes, sure. That makes sense in a way. Though it's still not enough to convince me. I'm sorry, I just can't wrap my head around Claire doing what she did. This is going to take time for me to get over. Like, there's enough drama in this couple's life, this kind of feels like overkill at this point. Literally when Claire and Lord John are sitting in bed together, I just had Phoebe's "my eyes, my eyes" from Friends playing in my mind. Thankfully the show didn't show much of them sleeping together, but still. I can't see Claire in bed with him it's so weird! Balfe talks us through the shocking scenes if you'd like more insight about it, here.

Young Ian and Rachel's love story is moving along quite nicely, with him opening up about Emily and the son he has. He even proposes to Rachel, and these two are just so cute and provide some levity in this difficult and complicated episode.
So what about Brianna? We haven't seen much of her since Outlander season 7 came back, and now we know why. A major and very good plot twist is revealed. Rob Cameron has indeed kidnapped Jemmy, but he didn't go through the Stones! This was a trick to get Roger and Buck away so that Bree and Jemmy can help lead him to the gold. Jemmy is still in the '80s. Woah! Also when Bree hit Rob right in the face and knocks him out? Yes, girl!
It's interesting that Claire decides to stay in the past, even though she believes Jamie to be gone and she could be in real trouble with the British. She could go back to Bree and Roger. However, this time she's in feels like where she belongs now. And after all the hard work she and Jamie have been through to see America's independence for Bree, she wants to see it through as a way to honor Jamie. I don't know if I wouldn't have gone back to be with my daughter, personally. But at least there's an explanation there because I would have kept asking why Claire didn't go back through the Stones.

Claire and Lord John have to play pretend marriage and appear at these events to prove it's legit. Turns out Captain Richardson himself is secretly a rebel. My heart does go out to William, knowing Rachel doesn't return his feelings. He also is very valid in his points wondering why Lord John would marry Claire. Of course he doesn't know the whole story or his father's feelings for Jamie. Charles Vandervaart has been such a great cast addition to the series!
Ok, so the last like five minutes of this episode take a quick turn and are just crazy. Thank you for the whiplash, Outlander. Jamie is alive, wohoo!! Thankfully this was not dragged out for very long. He just barges into the room and Jamie and Claire are reunited. No matter how many times they're separated, which is unnecessarily excessive at this point, those reunions always feel oh so good. Ugh the tight hug and the music, gave me all the feels.

It's hilarious how these two are making out in front of Lord John and poor guy is standing there awkwardly. Gosh, this situation is so messy. How are the three of them going to work through it? Also, why are there soldiers after Jamie?
If things couldn't get anymore crazy, William overhears Lord John tell Jamie "your son is due home shortly," and puts the puzzle pieces together. Oop! The secret is finally out. I love how now that she's back in Jamie's arms, Claire is just like, thanks but peace out Johnny, lol and head out with Jamie. But William is there, and the emotions are written all over his face. The callback to "stinking Papist" was a nice touch as well.
The soldiers show up and they all don't have a lot of time to talk through this huge secret that has now turned William's life upside down. Jamie pretends to take Lord John hostage and makes his escape. And the ending scene where all Claire can do is smile because Jamie is alive despite the chaos happening around them is just gold. What a rollercoaster of an episode! There is so much to work through and process. Oh my goodness. Episode grade level: B.
Outlander season 7 part 2 releases new episodes Fridays on Starz. Be sure to check Show Snob weekly for episodic reviews as the rest of the season unfolds, and visit our Outlander page for interviews with the cast and more!