We're officially five episodes in, with Pretty Little Liars: Summer School episode 6 released tomorrow, and we're no closer to finding out who "A," aka Bloody Rose, really is. It's definitely fun to guess and speculate, but I need the answer! Well, all we have now is making predictions so that's what we're going to do. UPDATE - head over here to find out who Bloody Rose is as revealed in episode 6.
So at first Rose Waters and Jen were top contendors on the list. Though it's definitely not the real Rose Waters as we saw in episode 4. She has a different set of mental issues she's dealing with. To be honest I did suspect Jen for a while. She's a former flame of Noa's who just popped up in Millwood suddenly? But as we saw at the end of episode 5, she's actually the one who saved Noa during her Final Girl Test while Bloody Rose was there and unleashed her frightening dog. So who could it be?

"A" list of suspects
In no particular order, here's six possible people who could be the new "A" on Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:
- Dr. Anne Sullivan
- Mrs. Beasley (Kelly's mom)
- Mrs. Langsberry (Chip's mom)
- Mrs. Noble (Shawn's mom)
- Sidney (Tabby's mom)
- Shirley Honrada or Elodie Honrada (Mouse's moms)
Ok, so the first three are suspects for pretty good reason. Dr. Sullivan has secrets, has been kind of shifty, and is actually writing a book about the girls' traumatic experiences. She even still has her files of the original Pretty Little Liars girls. Did you catch that in the scene!? Of course she needs them for the book she's writing. I mean, some people are cuckoo enough to create scenarios to see how their subjects will respond. Maybe Dr. Sullivan is doing the same. Though to be honest, I think this is too easy. The fact that it's been revealed that she was hiding something kind of takes away the mystery. So I don't think she's Bloody Rose. But I'm not completely disqualifying Dr. Sullivan either.
A strong contender on this "A" list are definitely either Mrs. Beasley or Mrs. Langsberry. I mean, does Kelly's mom really need an explanation? She's being brainswashed by this cult, not a cult, church she's now in. And oh yeah. Fooling around with Pastor Malachi (who is now dead per Bloody Rose). Perhaps he's convinced her they need to cleanse the town from these sinners or something like that. She could also be blaming the loss of her husband and Karen on the girls, plus perhaps thinking that they're a bad influence on Kelly. As for Mrs. Langsberry, aka Chip's mom, she's had it out for Tabby since she shared her revenge film about her son. Again, she definitely sees Tabby and Imogen as a problem, and she might want to take down the whole friend group after the loss of her son.

These last three are kind of a stretch, but if there's one thing I've learned about this show it's that you can't rule anyone out! Shawn's mom really only has beef with Noa. But again, she might see her as a bad influence and nuisance in her family's life, so she decides to take matters into her own hands. Alright, so why in the world would I have Tabby and Mouse's moms on here? Compared to PLL: Original Sin, the moms suspiciously don't play a role this season very much at all.
Sidney is great and has always been supportive. But, she's conveniently not in a lot of scenes. And when she is, it's not with "A" around at the same time. The same goes for Mouse's moms. We just saw them at the start of the season, then they decided to go on vacation for the summer. What was the point of that? And that's the only time where she decided to share her phone number with them too. Which was kind of weird in my opinion. But anyway. There's also a theory that this could all be in the pretty little liars' heads as a result of their trauma in Original Sin. Maybe?
There's a bit of an interesting pattern here. And that's if you notice, all of the top suspects are moms. Hmm, hmm, hmm. I could be way off, I don't know. But this is all speculation at the end of the day. After episode 6 tomorrow, we've only got two more episodes left of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School. The finale drops Thursday, June 20, 2024 on Max. I hope we find out very soon, because we're almost done and I'm on pins and needles!
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School releases new episodes Thursdays on Max.