True Detective Season 2: What will plot be about?


True Detective is about to begin production on the second season of the show, but it’s been hard to keep track of all the news. But lucky for you, we have all you need to know right here.

True Detective’s cast, crew and setting is coming together, but there is still a massive question with fans when it comes to what is next on the series.

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With all the news about who will be on the show and behind the scenes, many fans are still wondering just what the series is going to be about.

HBO is set to being production on the new season of True Detective soon, which means that things are starting to come together behind the scenes. It’s hard to keep track of things though, as there has been so much going on in a short amount of time that you can’t be blamed for missing out on certain information.

The story is rumored to involve the occult of the transportation system in California, but the casting announcements have led to character details that shed light on extra bits of story. There seems to be a plot involving Colin Farrell covering something up, Vince Vaughn is trying to go from street crime into legitimate business and both Taylor Kitsch and Rachel McAdams are playing straight roles with personal demons.

It’s a deep story to say the least, but it’s also the one thing we want to know the least about.

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