Will True Detective Be Matthew McConaughey’s Defining Role?


Matthew McConaughey had a massive career revival thanks in large part to his role on True Detective. With another big role in Interstellar upcoming, which role will stand out more?

When Matthew McConughey dies some day in the very distant future, only one role that he has had in his career will lead the way and be the first mentioned. This is going to be his most defining role and many believe that even so many years into the future that role will be from True Detective.

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But McConaughey was already rebuilding his career before he starred in True Detective and the role on the hit HBO series has only launched him even further into the Hollywood stratosphere. With Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar set to be released in a few weeks, the question of which McConaughey role will be more legendary is a very relevant debate.

We know it won’t be any of his romantic comedies getting first billing in his career resume, but has he already starred in his best role or did True Detective simply open the door for that to come his way?

That’s the major question we will all be asking about McConaughey but thankfully we have years to wait until the decision on which role was his best has to be made.

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