True Detective Season Two: What Does New Casting Announcement Mean?


As far as we know, True Detective is still aiming for a January premiere. This is an improvement over the original Summer 2015 date, and if plans have changed again there has been no official word. Two more cast members recently joined True Detective’s second season, Lolita Davidovich and James Frain. In terms of hitting that aforementioned January premiere, adding cast members at this point (mid November) may give us some insight as to how True Detective is moving forward.

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Besides a rumor of delay due to not actually have a fourth lead, there hasn’t been much motion on the production front since Halloween’s table read. The fact that there are still actors being added to the season may mean that it jus hasn’t come together yet.

Like any production, True Detective likely has many moving parts that are functioning somewhat independently of each other. The addition of these new cast members at this potentially late date does not necessarily mean that it won’t hit that January goal.

What it does mean, certainly for sure, is that filming still hasn’t begun. It’s not entirely necessarily to have the cast down to begin filming certain scenes in which said actors don’t appear, but no filming has taken place yet. The announcement of two new actors plus no real movement on filming yet means that pieces are still falling into place, and those pieces need to be there before production can continue. At least in this case.

We’re still holding out hope for that January premiere but if HBO does plans to delay the premiere, expect to hear about it sometime this month.

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