True Detective Both Wins and Loses at Adweek

The year-end lists are rolling in now, and so far True Detective has appeared on both of them. But not as a winner. In the television critics poll, Fargo beat out True Detective. Even though Fargo was not included in the Vulture poll, it still couldn’t take the top spot.

There is a similar situation over at AdWeek, which is currently presenting their own choices for the best of 2014. AdWeek themselves decided to go with True Detective as their top pick in their Drama/Thriller category. Readers, however, saw differently.

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In the Reader’s Choice section or Thrillers, Hannibal took top honors. In fact, True Detective doesn’t even make it into the top three, which included Hannibal, The Walking Dead, and Penny Dreadful.

Hannibal has been appearing on many best-of lists so far, and could prove to be stiff competition for True Detective going forward.

In the Drama Reader’s Choice category, True Detective again fails to chart, with the top three spots going to Orange is the New Black, Game of Thrones, and Doctor Who. If nothing else, this further proves how fantastic television has been this past year. And will hopefully continue to be in the future.

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