Merry Post-Christmas! Relax with The Handsome Family (Video)

Christmas is officially over, so we can all begin turning our attention towards the new year. A year which will, at some unknown point, provide us with a new season of True Detective. But probably not The Handsome Family.

The day after Christmas can is a time when many can actually begin to enjoy their time off, if they have any at all. Our hearts go out to you if you’re back to work today. But maybe this can help lift your spirits anyway.

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In any case, the day after Christmas is a time for returning gifts, relaxing, and digesting. What better way to do that in True Detective style than to watch a clip of The Handsome Family perform the True Detective theme song, “Far From Any Road.”

We named the music of  True Detective’s second season as being one of the three mysteries that we still don’t know. “Far From Any Road” has worked so well that it’s difficult to imagine True Detective without it.

But since production is leaving New Orleans for California, a move away from the bad blood blues of “Far From Any Road” makes sense. And so we expect to be leaving The Handsome Family behind, as much as it pains us.

So get your fix while you still can before True Detective switches it all up.

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