True Detective’s Glenn Fleshler Joins Hannibal

Glenn Fleshler spent much of True Detective terrifying viewers and haunting our two leads as Errol Childress, the “Spaghetti Monster.” Fleshler will now bring that unique brand of creepy over to Hannibal, according to TV Line. Because Hannibal is a series that needs a boost in the creepy department.

Even though Childress ended up being somewhat of a disappointment, that certainly did not reflect poorly on Glenn Fleshler. Fleshler brought the villain to life, regardless of any problems we may have had with how it all turned out.

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Unfortunately, Fleshler has also been almost completely ignored when it comes to discussing True Detective. It seems that all popular culture is able to retain from True Detective is our two leads, and even more than that, Matthew McConaughey.

Even though Glenn Fleshler may have gotten somewhat of a raw deal we are happy to see him join the case of Hannibal. True Detective may even be joining Hannibal in the summer lineup at this point. And just in case you can’t get enough of Fleshler’s superb acting, you can catch him in the disturbing film A Most Violent Year.

Fleshler will be playing the personal doctor to Mason Verger in Hannibal’s upcoming third season. It’s a role that’s perfect for his particular talents. That is to say, it’s an already unsettling role that he is sure to make even more so.

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