Watch Matthew McConaughey Stare at the Rain for an Hour (Video)

Matthew McConaughey’s tenure with True Detective may be over, but aspects of his time as Rust Cohle continue to color his career. It’s difficult to deny that there is a certain, shall we say, Rust-ness about Matthew McConaughey’s recent Lincoln ad campaign. This eventually led to Jim Carrey spoofing the ads on SNL.

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Now a YouTube fan has somehow found a way to up both the ridiculous quotient of the commercials and the overall Rust-esque qualities. YouTube user AmbientPopstar created an hour-long version of Matthew McConaughey watching the rain from one of the more recent ads.

It’s definitely ridiculous in the best way, we assure you. The Matthew McConaughey Lincoln commercials already have a philosophical bent, so this is just taken to its logical extreme. There are many worse ways for you to spend a Friday afternoon. It’s also oddly soothing, so if you’re having trouble getting through your day don’t hesitate to have it on in the background.

Consider it a logical path of the “McConaissance.” Matthew McConaughey is now something of a hot-commodity, delivering not only fantastic dramatic parts but also doubling as a soothing way to pass your time. These commercials combined with fan creativity have proved the gift that just keeps on giving.

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