The Blue Man Group are “Blue Detective” (Video)

We love when True Detective fans create something neat and reach out. It could be something crazy elaborate, or something as simple as a video game representation of Matthew McConaughey as Rust Cohle. But now it’s been taken up a notch with this newest submission, “Blue Detective.”

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“Blue Detective” stars none other than the Blue Man Group. The Blue Man Group have gotten together and re-created the intro to True Detective with them as the new stars. The clip even features an instrumental version of the original’s theme, “Far From Any Road” by The Family Band.

It certainly makes for one of the crazier fan clips. According to the description, The Blue Man Group were “originally slated as the stars” for the first season but had to leave the show due to conflicts with their tour schedule. Sounds legit to us.

It’s great when we get creative, high-profile True Detective tributes like this one. The fandom never seems to disappoint. The first season tributes have not stopped coming even though season two has been in production for several months.

You can check out part one of our five favorite True Detective spoofs and tributes right here. There have been so many great ones that a part two is all but inevitable. You True Detective fans never cease to amaze, that’s for sure. If you’ve created something True Detective related that you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to contact us on Twitter (@Trudetective,) Facebook, or our submission page.

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