Check Out this True Detective Caricature Fan art (Photo)

The first season of True Detective awaked something within fans and creative people out there. Fan art, spoofs, and various other tributes have continued to pour in since the first season aired. We were even treated to a depiction of Matthew McConaughey’s Rust Cohle in Grand Theft Auto.

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This great caricature fan art is by David Müller and features all the principles of True Detective, including Yellow King himself Errol Childress. There’s something about it that’s reminiscent of the Oddworld series of video games, so perhaps it has some crossover appeal.

We recently put together part two of our favorite True Detective spoofs. We practically had two since the fandom continues to expand and create fantastic works, and then there’s this fan made clip of Matthew McConaughey’s Lincoln ads with True Detective audio playing over it.

Let us know what you think about this particular piece of fan art below. If you’ve created some True Detective inspired art or spoofs and you’d like to show them off, don’t hesitate to contact us on Facebook or Twitter. We want to hear from you!


Hopefully we can expect this same level of quality when season two of True Detective finally hits, whenever that may be.

Source: Reddit

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