Final True Detective Poster Revealed. Will we see a New Trailer soon?

Early today, True Detective release a series of motion posters to help promote season two. The final True Detective season two poster tease went out via press and through the True Detective twitter, concluding the trilogy. This poster, which you’ll be able to see below, is perhaps a tad more to the point than the other two.

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While the other two posters featured foreboding locales, this final tease features a tunnel and a bird picking at what is most likely a dead animal. Once again we see the same text: “We Get the World we Deserve.” This time it’s even more ominous. This final poster might be the one that strikes closest to the sort of dark tone we can expect from True Detective season two.

As great as these teases are, they leave us with a new question: are these posters leading us to a full trailer? True Detective season two will premiere in June, leaving around two full months to promote it. It’s very possible that these three posters will next lead us to a an actual trailer for True Detective‘s second season.

The first look we got at True Detective season two was a silent one; it featured no dialogue and was filled to the brim with tortured, meaningful looks. The first thing to note about these motion posters is that they don’t feature any of the main characters, choosing instead to invoke a certain mood.

Give HBO’s release schedule so far, it’s likely that we’ll see a full trailer for True Detective’s second season in early May.


Next: True Detective motion posters are here.

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