Have we Reached the end of the True Detective Season Two Leaks?

True Detective fans experienced something of a fantastic dry-spell following the end of the first season. Creator and writer Nic Pizzolatto isn’t the most social individual, so once True Detective’s first season went off the air everything went dark. For a long time.

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The silence is only just now beginning to end, and even the True Detective Twitter is back up and running. But long before HBO and True Detective decided it was time to let us in, we saw a great number of leaks from the set.

Now that the first teaser trailer is out, all those leaks seem to have dried up. Have we seen the last of them?

The photo leaks that we were getting semi-regularly didn’t offer any spoilers. Except, perhaps, the mystery of Colin Farrell’s missing mustache. Now that we’ve gotten our first actual look at True Detective’s second season and saw all the leads in some degree of action, leaked photos of the actors on set aren’t exactly necessary.

The paparazzi market mostly functions on supply and demand, and right now it’s likely that the demand for yet another shot of Vince Vaughn is at something of an all-time low. We’ve already seen what he looks like in action.

The True Detective season two photo leaks gave us a peek at production at a time when the lid was sealed as tight as possible. Now that the lid is off, they’re just not needed anymore. Don’t be surprised if we don’t see another True Detective set photo.

Well, until season three, anyway.

Next: True Detective has been Torn.

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