Familiarize Yourself with True Detective’s new Setting

True Detective fans are some of the most passionate fans out there. It’s amazing, considering that True Detective is a strict anthology series and this level of fandom for that style of story-telling is almost unprecedented. Not to mention that fans are responsible for some of the best True Detective spoofs out there.

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In anticipation of True Detective’s second season, Reddit user Velcoro (get it?) has created a guide to the kind of California that we’ll be seeing. California is a very different sort of place than the small-town setting of Louisiana from True Detective’s first season.

Luckily for us, Velcoro put together a great album that shows off he kind of place California’s Central Valley really  is.

There is something deliciously barren in those photos. And anyone worrying that a move to California would rob True Detective of some of its dark charm can rest easy now. This version of California is not necessarily the one that HBO chose to showcase in its recent poster series, and it wasn’t overly apparent in the teaser trailer either.

And yet, there it is; the desert in all its glory. From everything we know so far, the second season of True Detective is going to be just as rough and dark as the first. Its level of supernatural elements are still up in the air, but we will at least be getting devil worship.

So that’s something, right?

Next: See a great shot of the True Detective set.

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