Fan Creates Rust’s Single-Eye Mirror From True Detective (Photo)

True Detective’s Rust Cohle has become something of an iconic character. And even though the second season of True Detective has all the potential in the world to be a stronger season of television, it won’t have Rust Cohle. To some people, that may be a problem.

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Rust is also the top character that True Detective fans use for tributes and spoofs. Take this Reddit user, who re-created Rust’s single-eye meditation mirror from True Detective. It’s something that is only seen once in the show, but it is a perfect physical manifestation of Rust’s personality.

Because, you know, of course he’d have something like that in his apartment.

Looks good, no? True Detective fans again and again prove that they’re a creative bunch. Hopefully the second season of True Detective will be able to inspire the same level of creativity, though the True Detective season two spoofs that we’ve already seen make us optimistic.

For comparison’s sake, or just to jog your memory, you can find a minute-long True Detective tease from the first season that includes Rust’s mirror below. It’s not usual for us to see physical recreations of True Detective’s props, except for those creepy Yellow King tributes every once in a while.

Via: Reddit

Next: Matthew McConaughey may be a superhero one day.

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