Vince Vaughn Made an Appearance on Ellen

The Lid on True Detective is screwed on tight. Really tight. This is how HBO wants to handle True Detective, and so details have come at a snail’s pace or not at all. Thankfully, the second season of True Detective is set to premiere next month and most have the actors have started giving interviews.

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Vince Vaughn made an appearance on Ellen a couple of months ago to discuss Unfinished BusinessTrue Detective, and other projects. The True Detective portion of the interview only recently appeared on Ellen’s website for some reason, so now’s as great a time as any to refresh yourself.

None of it is new information, and this isn’t the first time that Vince Vaughn has talked about True Detective, but it’s still refreshing to see him so excited about it. After asking straight-out if Vince Vaughn would be able to share any details about his character, he did say that season two takes place in present day.

This interview gels with all of the other interview that Vince Vaughn was doing during his promo press tour, and even the more recent interviews that have been coming out.

We know that True Detective will be dropping the flashback mechanic for season two, so it’s a good thing we’ve got a replacement lined up. Vince Vaughn wasn’t really able to talk about any of that, but he did call the first season “tremendous” and said that we have new “complicated characters.”

You can watch the short clip over at the Ellen site.

Next: Is Aquarius gunning for True Detective?

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