The Wrap Places True Detective on its Unique Summer List

We’re getting close to both True Detective season two and summer, and True Detective has started to make the rounds on various summer viewing lists. It’s all natural to want to see if True Detective will be able to outperform its first season, after all.

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The Wrap has seen fit to add True Detective to its list of summer shows, but not for the obvious reasons. This isn’t necessarily a watch of “must see” television, it’s a list for series that The Warp has questions about. It’s a subtle difference, but there you have it.

In True Detective’s case, The Wrap is most curious as to whether or not the new cast will be able to measure up to Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. It’s too early to tell, but the the trailers that have been released so far point to a resounding “yes!”

It’s also worth noting that The Wrap somehwat oversells True Detective’s first season success. Yes, the first season did technically win five Emmy awards spread over directing and other design aspects, but no actor was able to take an award home for True Detective. Not at the Emmy’s or at any other award ceremony.

It’s a fair bet that True Detective season two is going to try very hard to change that.

The rest of the list is similar in tone and involves other summer shows such as Orange is the New Black and Sense8, the new Netflix series by the directors of The Matrix. If True Detective’s first season could be considered a major hit on a cultural level, it’s going to be exciting to see what happens with season two with all the attention it’s getting.

Next: Ashley Hinshaw opens up about True Detective.

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