Watch a Fan SpeedPaint a Scene from True Detective’s First Season (Video)

We’re less than two weeks away from True Detective’s second season, but season one is still on many fans’ minds. We’ll know that HBO has another serious success on their hands if True Detective season two is able to inspire fans in the same way that season one has. We’ll have to wait and see.

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In the meantime, a fan has speedpainted a scene from True Detective season one. YouTube user Austin Arthur Hart took a simple shot from True Detective and recorded a speedpainting session for practice. If you’ve ever been curious in speedpainting or just want to see how well a shot from True Detective can be rendered, you can watch the recording below.

The direction and cinematography of True Detective’s first season are award-winning. We’ve seen our fair share of True Detective spoofs and fan art, but it’s rare that we find a fan taking appreciation from how the season was shot.

With a cast featuring Vince Vaughn, Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch and Colin Farrell, we’re not too worried about the acting ability that will be on display in True Detective season two. It will arguably be more interesting to see how the lack of first season director Cary Fukunaga is handled.

One of True Detective’s season two directors, Justin Lin, was recently interviewed in Variety.

Via: Reddit

Next: True Detective season two's fourth trailer is here.

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