This Week in True Detective: True Detective Season Two Premiere Edition (Week of 6/15/15)

This Week in True Detective is a feature that aims to bring you the best True Detective happenings of the week. This could include breaking news, popular articles, or anything else that people found interesting or may have missed.

This weekend is the big one: season two of True Detective premieres this Sunday (tomorrow!) We have some plans on how we’re going to be handling season two coverage, so make sure to check that out below. News item this past week focused on True Detective’s upcoming second season, including more reviews.

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Let’s begin.

  • True Detective season two has been seriously hit or miss with critics, but there have been just as many  hits as there have been misses. This will likely be the most divisive season of True Detective.
  • The Lera Lynn song for True Detective made its YouTube debut, and a True Detective soundtrack showed up on iTunes for preorder featuring it.
  • We took a look at whether or not True Detective season two could possibly recover from the early bad reviews. What do you think?
  • True Detective’s return to Twitter has so far turned out to be a waste of time for everyone involved, and there’s no reason to think that will change.
  • We have major plans for True Detective season two! We’ll be live-tweeting and following up with reviews and editorials. Join us!
  • Finally, Colin Farrell was on The Tonight Show and Vince Vaughn made an appearance to play “True Confessions.”

And that’s your week in True Detective. Make sure to join us tomorrow night for the premiere of True Detective season two. Oh, and enjoy your Father’s Day! If you have anything True Detective related to share or just want to chat, you can reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter.

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