True Detective Season Two’s Ratings are Higher than Season One

The majority of True Detective viewers out there aren’t going to say that season two is better than season one. True Detective season two hasn’t done so hot in the reviews department, but apparently that hasn’t added up to much in terms of actual viewers. The second season of True Detective is actually performing better than season one.

Even though nobody really likes it as much. Supposedly.

According to Tv by the NumbersTrue Detective performed second best last Sunday among adults aged 18-49. That’s not an anomaly either, the entire second season has been performing well for HBO. The ratings for every episode can be easily found on True Detective’s Wikipedia, but there’s another trend going on as well.

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Even though True Detective’s season two ratings are overall higher than season one, they are still in a steady decline. Fewer people are tuning in each week, but that could also easily turn around. The first season of True Detective experienced a serious spike in ratings near the end, with the last episode doing the best.

It’s entirely possible that we’ll see the same thing happen with season two. But as it stands True Detective would need to experience a more severe loss in viewership for it to dip below season one. It’s an interesting situation; True Detective season two is doing poorly from a critical standpoint but is doing better in the ratings than its critically lauded first season.

It will be revealing to see how this pattern continues as True Detective enters its final act. We’re looking at a potential situation in which True Detective season two does both better and worse than the season that came before.

Next: Will Lera Lynn's Role on True Detective Expand?

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