Report: True Detective Season Two Blu-Ray/DVD Coming in January


The second season of True Detective had so many moving parts, that it only makes sense to want to watch it again to get a better handle on it. Well, you won’t have to wait all that much longer to make it happen. If you have HBO Now or just HBO in general, by the way, you’ve had access to season two since it aired. Just saying.

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Den of Geek is reporting that True Detective season two will arrive on Blu-ray and DVD on January 5th. As per usual for HBO shows, the MSRP is ridiculously high: $59.99 for DVD and $79.99 for Blu-ray. Those prices might as well be made-up, since no retailer in their right mind will sell the season for that high once it actually releases.

Those looking to pre-order can jump on the wagon right now, but places like Amazon have not updated their listings with the release date or with the cheaper prices. Amazon will, however, honor the cheaper price once they drop it so don’t worry about pre-ordering it now. Special features will include a thirty minute look at the shootout in episode four, titled “Making The Vinci Massacre” and other behind the scenes interviews with the cast.

Hopefully those cast interviews aren’t the same short ones that HBO posted while season two was airing, but they most likely will be. While not explicitly mentioned in the release notes, True Detective season two will likely also include commentary tracks on at least some of the episodes.

For those that not into the crystal clear audio and video nonsense, season two will be made available for digital purchase a bit earlier on November 9th.

Next: True Detective need to be a graphic novel series.

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