Killing Eve recap: ‘Sorry Baby’

“Sorry Baby,” deals with the ramifications of last week’s Killing Eve episode and gives Villanelle some real consequences.

The episode of Killing Eve isn’t as fast-paced as the others but gives other characters a chance to shine.  With MI6 closing in on Villanelle, this hour takes the time to continue fleshing out the character of the intriguing assassin.

As a consequence for murdering Bob despite being warned not to, Villanelle is forced to work with some partners. Unfortunately, one of them is a testosterone filled moron and the other is her ex-girlfriend.

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Naturally, tensions are high within the group with Villanelle constantly clashing with the two people she views as beneath her. She wants to commit her assassinations with style and creativity whereas her new partners simply stake out a place until they shoot the target.

Luckily, Villanelles gets plenty to do in “Sorry Baby,” despite being sidelined. She opens up the Killing Eve episode with a harmless “birthday” prank for Konstantin even though it isn’t his actual birthday. Of course, this is all an illustrious ruse just to threaten her handler with knowledge of his daughter. Later, she clearly begins sowing the seeds of discord between her new partners as she plans to break away from the team.

Meanwhile, Eve is understandably both heartbroken and furious following the events of last week. She spends a lot of “Sorry Baby” trying to push down her grief to focus on catching Bob’s killer. It feels a little weird that MI6 wouldn’t try to move her and her husband to a safe house.

Especially when Villanelle mails back Eve’s lost suitcase, now loaded with expensive clothing. She’s now murdered an MI6 agent and made clear threats against Eve, made even more troubling since she knows the latter’s address.

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Despite the pressing danger, Carolyn Martens is still taking casual meetings with Eve at the butcher’s. Even though one of her agents could be compromised, she continues to let the task force keep working because they found a new possible suspect. Eve’s former boss, Frank, has a monetary connection to Villanelle’s superiors and might be the one leaking information about the new search.

Before Eve and Elena can find him, “Sorry Baby,” sends the trio of assassins his way. Frank and his mother aren’t stupid, so she buys her son enough time to try to escape. It leads to a race for who will get to Frank first, and luckily he manages to escape with his life by the end of the episode.

Villanelle’s new partners aren’t so fortunate, and she convinces her ex to murder the man before she proceeds to run her over. Anyone who thinks she has a secret compassionate side is holding out hope for a miracle at this point.

“Sorry Baby” ends on a cliffhanger, with Eve and Villanelle finally coming face to face again. One of the underrated parts of this episode is the relationship between Niko and Eve. Last week it appeared as though he suspected her of cheating but this hour makes it clear that isn’t it.

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Everyone else might think she’s the other woman, but Niko knows something much more sinister is at play. It’s hard to imagine Villanelle is going to allow him to live by the end of the season but it’s still refreshing to see him get angry for a much more logical reason.

Killing Eve airs on Sunday nights on BBC America at 8 p.m. EST.