WHOVIANS! I have amazing news for Doctor Who Doctor-Donna fans!
Doctor Who’s Favorite Comedy Duo is Back, according to
Are you ready for this? Catherine Tate and David Tennant, both of Doctor Who, are set to grace our screens together once again in a show written by Tate, herself, called Americons on British entertainment channel called Sky One.
The most we know about the Sky One show Americons is that it follows a couple set to move to the United States.
Doctor Who
fans, steady yourself for another giddy little detail: the production company of
is the same as who did
The Dark Materials
, and their name is– wait for it — Bad Wolf!

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If you’re not familiar with Catherine Tate’s writing, then I extremely, very, most-absolutely highly recommend running (yes, I said run) to YouTube and look up The Catherine Tate Show, a sketch comedy show highlighting her ingenuity, creativity, and utter hilarity.
For the Doctor Who fans out there, below is a sketch she wrote for Comic Relief Red Nose Day in 2007, starring David Tennant where he interacts with one of Tate’s most beloved characters, Lauren Cooper.
Lauren Cooper is an insolent teenager with attitude and a lot of pride. Bonus points for those of you who also love Shakespeare:
Tennant has appeared on a number of Tate’s sketch bits written for The Catherine Tate Show, like “Nan’s Christmas Carol” as The Ghost of Christmas Present (wherein Tate played Nan, a crotchety grandmother with a foul mouth),

“Nan’s A Christmas Carol” via GIPHY
They’ve also appeared together on stage in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, which is a delight to be seen. You can find it here on Digital Theatre. I must have watched the first act about twenty-five times, and I’m not even sure I’m exaggerating.
Below is one of my favorite Benedick monologues, performed by David Tennant, wherein he’s lamenting about how his friend was loath to the idea of love, and yet now is seen to swoon:
Tennant and Tate worked with John Barrowman who plays Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who to create an original song for Russell T Davies and Julie Gardener as a part of their departing gift when they gave the reins over to Steven Moffat in 2011.
My father texted me the other day with this news, and I screamed aloud in the subway. You can’t imagine the looks I didn’t get because it’s New York, and people cry out all the time on the subway.
The point is, I could include an entire slideshow of bits and sketches to watch to bring you on board with the Tennant/Tate train, but the most amazing thing you can do for yourself is a healthy google search to witness their brilliance. I’m talking chat shows like when they appeared on The Graham Norton Show together, or quiz shows, like the Doctor Who edition of Nevermind the Buzzcocks.
Next: Jodie Whittaker at the BAFTAs 2018 for Doctor Who
You have much fodder now to fill your days as we await the release date for this show, and my American friends and I will wait even longer to find out how we can stream it, too!