Pose season 1, episode 4 recap: ‘The Fever’


This week’s Pose was slow yet emotional in its delivery as the HIV/AIDs epidemic comes front and center of this episode.

Pose is a reminder of how far we’ve come and also how far we’ve yet to go when it comes to understanding the LGBT community. This week’s episode shed light on the harsh reality of the 80’s and the HIV/AIDs epidemic.

During that time period, the LGBT community dealt with the reality that this particular diagnosis was a death sentence for them–and it was. Medicine hadn’t reached the levels it has now, and the treatment available wasn’t exactly a cure. And this week depicts the fright and fear this community felt and studies their reluctance to get tested for it.

Things are continuously moving forward in the world of Pose, and while last week they were celebrating Christmas, now they are well into the spring season. And with HIV/AIDs as the central plot of the episode, it’s fitting that Blanca spends all her worries on Damon who has been riddled with a high fever.

Credit: FX

Blanca fears the worst which magnify when she learns that Damon has been sexually active–and the condom once came off. At that time, healthcare didn’t exactly benefit their community and prevented them from always getting the care they needed. Aka HIV/AIDS = a death sentence.

Related Story: Pose season 1, episode 3 recap: ‘Giving and Receiving’

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Blanca convinces Pray Tell to take the group to get tested for HIV/AIDS, and while everyone tests negative–Pray Tell learns he is positive. He opts to keep the truth from everyone at first because the disease finally catching up with him is news he can’t bear to handle. His performance in this episode is beautifully executed and his fears and regrets are seen through his eyes, reminding just how grave this disease was in the 80’s.

Through the characters dealing with healthcare issues of the 80’s, we also learn just how fearful the world was of their community. They were often ignored and untreated by hospitals, doctors, and the likes because people didn’t want to get infected. The saddening reality of this is something Pose has captured seamlessly, and we thank them for that.

Credit: FX

In an attempt to look more fuller, plumper, and curvier, Candy decides she wants to get injected with silicone. Angel accompanies her to two different women who are offering services for cheap–but things take a feverish turn (the theme of the episode) when the injections cause her to fall ill.

And although Elektra has been giving Candy a hard time for her strides, she is opting to do something similar but in the form of a sex change surgery. She has been with her man for over a decade, and despite him being against it, she wants to go forward with the surgery.

Next: Pose season 1, episode 5 recap

And then the episode took some time to focus on Stan and Angel’s relationship which has hit a roadblock. Stan may not understand his sexuality, and its starting to become an issue when the two are in bed together. It appears they have broken up for now, but based on next week’s promo, things are about to take a dramatic turn.

Pose airs every Sunday on FX at 9 PM EST!