Iron Fist: Alice Eve discusses her role in the upcoming season

Alice Eve discusses her excitement over joining Iron Fist and taking on her mysterious character for season 2.

During an interview with Inquistr, Alice Eve was able to talk a bit about her part in Iron Fist. Unfortunately, she doesn’t offer up many spoilers but did praise her experience working with Marvel. However, her excitement over the upcoming season is bound to be infectious for fans eagerly waiting.

"Unfortunately for me, I can’t tell you anything, although I can tell you my feelings about the role, which are genuine excitement. I truly loved my character and had a great working experience with Jeph Loeb at the studio and learned a lot in that process, actually, even though we filmed it during a grueling New York winter, which I’m sure all of the cast would attest to. It was kind of a special experience."

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Not much is know about the second season of Iron Fist yet, outside its scheduled premiere sometime in 2018. After viewers and critics gave a lukewarm reception to the first season, Marvel had a lot to prove the second time around. Thankfully, Danny’s appearance in Luke Cage already looks promising.

While details are sparse, early set photos leaked with Alice Eve and Finn Jones. The two are dressed in dark hoodies and appear to be in hiding from someone. While many assumed Eve would be playing a villain, the photos hint at a possibility of becoming a hero. With her typical blonde hair shed for a dark red, it’s become a popular theory that Eve will be playing Dakota North.

North is an esteemed private eye from the Marvel comics who has been speculated to appear in multiple television shows. While Jessica Jones has already taken the place as a beloved but hardened detective, North could be a “by-the-books” investigator. Or perhaps someone who’s just gotten in too deep with the wrong people.

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Nonetheless, it’s exciting to hear that Alice Eve loved her experience on Iron Fist. Hopefully, this means she’ll stick around for a season three if the series is renewed. In the meantime, be sure to check out Luke Cage‘s season two on Netflix. Fans heading to SDCC will also be able to check out an Iron Fist panel for more details on the upcoming season.