You’re the Worst season 5 premiere recap: The Intransigence of Love

Gretchen and Jimmy are back with a champagne bottle shattering bang. You’re the Worst had an off the wall first episode to the final season. To much delight, it appears the wedding is still on! The doubts still remain though, as Gretchen confirmed in the final scene.

Jimmy is a writer known to exaggeration. Gretchen refuses to be boring, unoriginal or not the center of the action. This first episode of You’re the Worst season 5, “The Intransigence of Love”, was a wild re-imagination by the couple of mostly unrealistic scenarios of their possible alternate reality love story scenarios.

Jimmy as a French newsprint film critic in 1999 on the border of a Y2K Armageddon is believable. The French love snark and odd films that leads one to a sophisticated air, or cigarettes and baguettes disguised insecurities. Jimmy might take his liberty, but he read his books. He and Gretchen just have not gotten around to watching that movie she made. Her movie making career was just so successful and time-consuming.

Gretchen does show this “ugly, messy, complicated, beautiful and true” love story has cracks. She asks Jimmy if these jaunts through wedding planners’ offices just to crap on their portfolio and tell tall tales is just a facade to hide that the featured couple of You’re the Worst has no love story.

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Even the fake characters waiting for someone to notice them have to deal with liberated women sleeping with one man just to spite another. There was no ex-lover desperation bang math needed. First, that was done seasons ago so catch up. And get over Princess Di, since she totally had it coming.  Her decor was worse than those hurricane lamps in the last portfolio.

Jimmy and Gretchen have done terrible things with each other to belittle others before. It is their favorite bonding hobby, and bless them for it. They’ve also done many terrible things to push the boundaries and mettle of their relationship. Thankfully, both grasp to live the high life and lean into one’s faults. In the end, Jimmy reminded Gretchen that this is a true love, built on not only good but the bad. And this couple is bad to the point of embellishing being devious and finding a hurtful truth.

The world needs to air out more of its hurtful truths. Progress was never made in a comfort zone. You’re the Worst has pushed some boundaries in these last few years, with Jimmy and Gretchen making lots of progress. When they first met, both despised the thought of marriage. Now they have a whole season to make fun of and doing drastic charades of wedding planning.

But two questions still remain. Will they go through with the ceremonies? And the second question is, what movie was that from?! Every other scene was a send up to some forgotten movie which is only attainable by hacking the creator’s personal system. Or Clerks, but with an abbreviated sexually explicit scene.

Find out by watching You’re the Worst on FXX and the FXNow app.