AMC developing another The Walking Dead spinoff

A new Walking Dead spinoff is coming.

Some folks might think that the ongoing issue with The Walking Dead’s ratings and yet another long-running cast member planning to leave the show might make AMC consider some kind of endgame for the show in the very near future.

On the contrary, AMC actually plans to expand on the show’s universe.

During a quarterly earnings call (via Deadline), AMC execs admitted they actively developing a second Walking Dead spinoff.  The development is in very stages, so naturally, there’s no word yet of when the show would premiere or who will star in it.

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AMC COO Ed Carroll wouldn’t go into the specifics of the show other than to say “we have hired creative people that have pitched story outlines. We feel very good about the development of that series.”

This news probably won’t come as much of a surprise to the folks keeping up with things behind the scenes.

Ever since former The Walking Dead showrunner Scott Gimple was promoted to chief content officer last year, he and the executives at AMC have been adamant about their plans to keep the show going indefinitely (possibly a decade or longer) and expand on The Walking Dead universe despite the show’s aforementioned ratings’ issue.

To his credit, Carroll addressed the show’s ratings, though it’s up to you if you find his response satisfying.

"“We are well aware that when a show has been around for nine years, you would expect viewership to be declining, but I think we’ve managed that and managed that well,” Carroll said. “When The Walking Dead is no longer part of the channel, I think that will have more of an impact on revenue than on [income] because generally expenses go up as the seasons continue and viewership declines. That’s just a general pattern with any show that’s been around as long as The Walking Dead has.”"

What do you think will be a good idea for a Walking Dead spinoff?

Do you think AMC should be doing one at all?  Give us your thoughts in the comment section.