Shadowhunters season 3B, episode 15 recap: To the Night Children

Heidi is intent on war, but she’s going to have to get through the Shadowhunters and Maia first. Who will win on the latest episode of the show?

Heidi incited the vampire attack on the Jade Wolf pack of werewolves. Now, she’s intent on bringing down all Shadowhunters in episode 15 of the show. As she toasts to the ‘Night Children’, Griffin returns from the Jade Wolf with unsettling news – Maia Roberts and Jordan Kyle are missing, which means there are witnesses on the loose. But Heidi is unperturbed. The vampires broke the Accords, but they’re no longer willing to live in the shadows. “It’s a different world now.”

Trouble at the Institute

Now that Magnus Bane has traded his beloved apartment for his magic, Alec Lightwood is allowing him to stay with him at the New York Institute of Shadowhunters. The problem is, not all Shadowhunters take kindly to Downworlders hanging around. That may be the least of Magnus’ worries though. Seems like whatever magic Lorenzo loaned him is destroying his body.

SHADOWHUNTERS – “To the Night Children” – As the saying goes, “rules are made to be broken.” But what if the rules are there for a reason? Several members of the team must examine the reasoning behind certain rules after consequences to questionable actions come to light. Whether the rules were broken because of love, loyalty or revenge, does the end justify the means? This episode of “Shadowhunters” airs Monday, March 25 (8:00 – 9:01 P.M. EDT) on Freeform. (Freeform/John Medland)

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Meanwhile, Isabelle Lightwood found a chip inside Greenlaw’s body and has to decrypt it in an effort to get to the bottom of the rumors about torture in the Clave. None of this is on Clary Fairchild’s mind – she’s still reeling from Jonathan Morgenstern’s deception in the previous episode of the show, and she’s desperate to bring an end to him. That’s when Luke Garroway calls Clary from the precinct and asks her to tell the Shadowhunters about the Jade Wolf attack.

Heidi voluntarily shows up at the Institute claiming she overheard the New York vampire clan planning the attack on the Jade Wolf. Izzy doesn’t believe Heidi’s remorse for her previous actions, but Heidi knows how to play her cards right. She reminds Izzy that it was Raphael who experimented on her, but Izzy let him get away because of her feelings for him. This sways Alec and he agrees to give Heidi a clean slate in exchange for the identities of the culprits.

While Alec prepares a team to fight the vampires, he benches Izzy for concealing the truth about Raphael. To atone for her mistake, Izzy decides to go to Detroit on her own and bring Raphael in. With a tearful goodbye, the two former lovers part ways as Raphael is taken away in cuffs.

The Men in Clary’s Life

SHADOWHUNTERS – “To the Night Children” – As the saying goes, “rules are made to be broken.” But what if the rules are there for a reason? Several members of the team must examine the reasoning behind certain rules after consequences to questionable actions come to light. Whether the rules were broken because of love, loyalty or revenge, does the end justify the means? This episode of “Shadowhunters” airs Monday, March 25 (8:00 – 9:01 P.M. EDT) on Freeform. (Freeform/John Medland)

Luke decides to plead guilty for the massacre at the Jade Wolf even though he had nothing to do with it. His colleagues don’t believe him, but Luke is adamant. He wants to keep the Shadowworld hidden from the mundanes.

Jace Weyland and Clary sneak into Luke’s interrogation room, but nothing will change Luke’s mind. Despite Clary’s pleas that he shouldn’t abandon her, Luke can’t see a way for them to clear his name without the secret of the Shadowworld being revealed. What Luke doesn’t know is that the camera has caught him talking… to himself.

Jace’s cousin Aline (Jacky Lai) is on the hunt for Jonathan as well. She wants to bring him to justice and decides to spar with Clary so that Jonathan can feel some pain. The plan backfires when Clary loses her temper and almost kills Aline. Realizing what she’s done, Clary leaves to get some air and is promptly found by Jonathan.

Jonathan claims the rune brought them together, which may be true, but he also insists that Clary loves him which is why she let him escape in the previous episode. Clary doesn’t believe Jonathan, but later she unwittingly burns her hand to connect with Jonathan again. The rune definitely has some power over Clary. Jace thinks the Silent Brothers can help her.

Maia Versus Heidi

Simon Lewis drives Maia and an unconscious Jordan away from the Jade Wolf, but Maia has nowhere to go. She wants revenge for what Heidi did, vowing to kill the vampire herself. Simon eases the situation by claiming the Shadowhunters are probably already on the case. With that, they head to the Institute.

Heidi returns to the Hotel Dumort and learns about the arrest of Griffin and crew. She pretends to be unaware of this and incites more tension among the vampires by claiming someone among them is a traitor.

Maia walks into the Institute just as Alec is accusing Griffin and his people for the massacre at the Jade Wolf. She immediately asks why Heidi isn’t also among the line-up when Alec tells her about the deal he cut with Heidi to prevent an all-out war between vampires and werewolves. Incensed, Maia insists that Heidi is guilty, but who can prove it? Simon, as always, knows someone who can.

It’s the mundane, Nora, who Heidi had incanto-ed in episode 13. Simon believes he can reverse her memory wipe and find out the truth. Trouble is, Heidi’s got to the mundane first and persuaded her to almost kill herself. When Simon finds Nora, he asks Magnus for help. Nora awakens and has the proof that the Shadowhunters need to bring Heidi in. Simon tries to tell Maia, but Maia is out for blood.

Maia confronts Heidi in an alleyway and the fight seems to be going south when Heidi sinks her teeth into Maia. But Maia’s planned this all along. She injected herself with holy water, a substance deadly to vampires. This should be a time to celebrate, but Alec doesn’t agree with Maia’s ways and neither does Simon. Simon feels that by breaking the rules they’re no better than Heidi then.

The episode ends with a touching moment between Alec and Magnus. Alec can’t allow Magnus to live at the Institute, as it’s against protocol. But that doesn’t mean Alec can’t move in with Magnus when he gets a new apartment. Delighted, Magnus reaches for an embrace when he collapses to the ground coughing up blood. What has Lorenzo done to him?