Glow season 3, episode 7 recap: Hollywood Homecoming

Photo: Britt Baron, Marc Maron.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Britt Baron, Marc Maron.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Glow, the show about a show based on a true story of an old show is back on Netflix with ten new episodes.

I have nothing much to add about Glow’s “Hollywood Homecoming” other than it was a “set up” episode for the remaining episodes of the season. Most of the girls weren’t in this episode after such a strong ensemble-centric episode in “Outward Bound.”

And there was nothing particularly funny in it either, which is disappointing since this show is supposed to be a comedy. So, for me, this was my pick for the worst episode of the season.

Quick recap: Debbie goes on a date with an old-new suitor. Sam and Justine take on Hollywood with her screenplay in toe. And Bash’s mom, Birdie, pays him and his new wife a visit.

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It’s sort of cringe-worthy: Bash’s mother pays a visit to her dear old son because he added a cardholder to his credit card. She had to find out who this new wife was. Birdie (played brilliantly by Elizabeth Perkins) decides to take her new daughter-in-law shopping. The entire time I was so worried that Birdie would crush sweet Rhonda. But Rhonda ended up proving that she loves her son and only wants the best for him, especially when it comes to his finances. With that, Birdie gives Bash (or is it Rhonda?) full control of his inheritance, on the condition that they have a proper wedding.

You go, girl! Jenny, who makes all the costumes for the show, has done some research and found out that she’s grossly underpaid for her work. She requests a 13 percent raise, which Debbie agrees to if she can get Bash to agree… which he does! See! All you must do sometimes is ask the question. The worst they can say is no.

Most surprising moment: Debbie decides to bring Randy to Vegas. But when she loses him in the hotel (she watched as the elevator doors close with him in there), she frantically runs around looking for him. She finds him in the arms of J.J., the nice older gentleman Debbie meets on the plane back to Vegas in “Hot Tub Club.” He asks her out to dinner, and since Debbie has her pick for a babysitter, she agrees. I guess I’m surprised that she would be interested in an older gentleman since she’s banging every young valet up and down the strip. But she probably craves the stability and someone making an effort to woo her.

Not surprising: As Sam takes Justine around to his old contacts at various studios, Sam quickly realizes he is not as well received in Hollywood as he thought he’d be. Sam is gruff and such a curmudgeon, it was bound to all catch up with him. Just don’t take it out on his kid! Justine has a great screenplay, better than his own!

Best moment: Justine’s screenplay gets picked up in their last meeting of the day after Justine pitches it herself as semi-autographical. Time to celebrate. And after Sam’s cardiac “event,” he finds out Justine won’t make the movie unless he directs it for her. Now it’s really time to celebrate.

Worst moment: As Justine is pitching her screenplay, the camera pans to Sam, as he starts breathing heavy and opening and closing his left hand. He clearly has a heart attack. After the meeting, Justine wants to celebrate, but Sam just about gets her in the car and makes her drive off before he asks a guy on the street to call 9-1-1. He did have a heart “event,” and the doctor tells him to lay off smoking and become healthier. And although Sam has been trying to do just that throughout season 3, he’s got to try harder.

Check back tomorrow for the episode 8 recap for “Keep Ridin’.”

Read yesterday’s Glow recap of episode 6: “Outward Bound.”