Glow season 3, episode 9 recap: The Libertines

Photo: Marc Maron, Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Marc Maron, Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Glow, the show about a show based on a true story of an old show is back on Netflix with ten new episodes.

The Libertines may be the best episode of Glow this season. It was equal parts funny and moving, while still moving things forward unlike, well, most of the season.

Ruth gets the call from Sam to audition for a role in Justine’s movie. But we eventually find out it was at Sam’s insistence. The audition is the same day as Bobby’s Libertine Ball, in which Ruth and Sheila will be acting a scene from True West.

But Ruth ensures Sheila she will be back in plenty of time. Yeah right! That sort of thing never happens! If there is one thing about sitcoms is that when characters try to multitask in any way, it usually ends up in some sort of disaster. So, Ruth doesn’t make it back in time, but there’s a good reason, and an unexpectedly great result because of it.

Quick recap: Bobby Barnes puts on his annual Libertine Ball, and Debbie helps produce it to help it gain more buzz. Rhonda tries to spice up her and Bash’s sex life. And Ruth auditions for Justine’s movie in L.A.

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Best moment: After Ruth’s audition for the lead’s English teacher, Sam invites her out for a drink. Yeah, she’s almost certainly not making it back to Vegas in time. Within minutes of Sam’s arrival at the bar, Ruth spews, “I think I’m in love with you…is it too late?” Sam replies, “Ruth, you’re an f@%&ing nightmare.” AND THEN HE KISSES HER!! I wouldn’t expect any other exchange between the two for this moment.

It’s cringeworthy: Unfortunately, this gleeful moment between Ruth and Sam was short-lived. Because Sam is trying to be this new person and all, he decides that before he takes Ruth back to his house, he needs to break it to her that she didn’t get the part. Ruth is, of course, upset but then sort of takes her frustrations and deep-seated anxiety about her life choices out on Sam. He can’t believe that because he’s not (can’t) give her a “stupid little part” that she’s done with him, yet a few minutes ago she was in love with him. He leaves her outside of the bar. SPOILER ALERT: And if you were hoping this little situation would be resolved by season’s end, don’t hold your breath.

Biggest surprise: When Ruth doesn’t show up at the Ball, Sheila is left to perform a monologue from Miss Julie on her own. It’s incredible and leaves the crowd in awe of her.

Not surprising: Rhonda hatches a plan, using Melrose’s gigolo boyfriend Paul (yes, now she pays him for sex) posing as a handyman and hitting on her to make Bash jealous. When Bash turns up, he doesn’t even pick up right away what’s happening. When Paul comments that he’s lucky he has Rhonda as a wife, Bash assumes Paul wants to kiss her, so he encourages it. Paul and Rhonda start kissing. Then Bash kisses Rhonda. After they move it to the bedroom, Bash and Paul begin to kiss. This isn’t surprising because it was hinted at all the way back in episode 5, “Say Yes.”

Best entrance: Bobby Barnes being carried in over the crowd in an all-white casket, dressed as Evita, to the backdrop of the Evita overture. Don’t cry for me, Las Vegas!

Most sobering moment: The Libertine Ball is a hit. With Debbie’s help, the show is amazing, it’s the biggest turnout Bobby has ever had, and they raised a ton of money for those suffering from AIDS. The grand finale includes Sandy Devereaux St. Clair, in all her 1962 Vegas showgirl glory, including pasties! The Glow girls, who also all look incredible in their own right, are blown away! As Bobby and Sandy sing their duet of “I’m Glad I’m Not Young Anymore,” they smell smoke and realize there’s a fire in the club. Everyone inside runs outside to find this fire was no accident but deliberately set by bigots. Sprays of homophobic slurs are written on the buildings and on the ground. Arthie and Yolanda, who have broken up, share a glance, both in shock. Bobby ends the episode, next to Debbie, and says, “I guess we got the word out.”

Check back tomorrow for a Glow recap of “A Very GLOW Christmas.”

Read yesterday’s recap of “Keep Ridin’.