When there's a final season of a series, usually if there's characters we haven't seen in a while or that need to wrap up their stories in a way, a show will bring them back to say goodbye. It still hasn't hit me that Outlander season 8 is the final season on Starz. Though we will get there eventually, but one character won't be around in those final episodes.
Showrunner Matthew B. Roberts told TVLine that Jenny Fraser Murray, aka Jamie's headstrong sister and Young Ian's mom, will not be in Outlander season 8, aka the final season. Honestly since the historical drama changed up her plot from the books anyway, this makes sense.
Roberts shared that because the last season, which does not have a release date yet, is only 10 episodes, there's only so much story they could cover and adapt from Book 9, "Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone," as well as the twist that Faith may have lived and Fannie potentially is actually Jamie and Claire's granddaughter. Here's what he had to say:
“The brief was: Nothing that doesn’t affect Jamie and Claire gets in. It’s gotta affect Jamie and Claire. All the main characters do, so they’re a part of it. But that’s the drive."

As the showrunner says, all the characters and most plot points do come back to Jamie and Claire in one way or another. But in terms of the bigger picture and what they're facing in season 8, it has to effect them directly so the story stays focused in the last season of the epic show.
I also honestly think a part of it is the fact that Jenny was played by a different actress in Outlander season 7, and that's Kristin Atherton taking on the role from Laura Donnelly. The actress definitely did her best and I do not begrudge her at all for joining the show. She's doing a job, and she got it fair and square. Though I will say as a fan, I missed Donnelly portraying the role. And I think the creatives behind the drama knew that was one aspect of it too for many fans.
The storyline of Jamie and Claire returning to Scotland was very important though and couldn't be left out, so I'm glad we got to see Lallybroch one more time. And though Jamie asks his sister to come back to America with him now that Ian is gone (still crying), she chooses to stay in Scotland. In the novels however, she does accept his offer. I think for the Starz series though, keeping her out of Outlander season 8 is the best bet. It just makes sense story wise.

While Jenny will not be making an appearance in the final season, there is the potential for a new little character joining the family. Brianna actress Sophie Skelton sort of teased there might be another MacKenzie baby in Bree and Roger's lives in the final season.
In the ninth book, the couple does indeed have a third child, a son named David. Now whether or not this will happen in the series, the actress stayed coy. But that would be fun to see, hopefully this time they can stay around their family with their kids!
Stay tuned to Show Snob as we bring you updates about Outlander season 8 on Starz.