Well, that was one heck of an ending. Outlander is known to deliver some great finales. And while this one wasn't in my top favorites, it was still a very strong episode. And, we have quite the cliffhanger. Here's our review of Outlander season 7 episode 16, "A Hundred Thousand Angels," on Starz. As a reminder, I'm a show-only fan so my views reflect that. SPOILERS BELOW.

Ugh, how is it that a simple dragonfly can make me so emotional? But this takes us back to Jamie and Claire of course and the dragonfly in amber. We are fond of them too, Claire. Ok, and as a writer myself, this journalist guy is so rude and judgy. Honestly, go away dude. Though he knew how to get Jane to talk and sort of use Fanny against her. Hopefully he did include some good words about her.
I will say that I think we should have heard a voiceover or one of the characters reading some part of what he wrote. It felt like this was leading to something emotional, perhaps Claire reading it to Fanny. But it didn't come back and give us a payoff. Otherwise, the scene felt a bit unncessary. Though it did showcase Jane's attitude and how she's not going to "give anymore of" herself to "any man." Ugh, this poor girl.
Jane and Fanny's story is so heartbreaking, and these two girls are actually so sweet. Though we didn't meet her for very long, I liked Jane. And I was actually shipping her with William, that is until learning she may be his niece... We'll get to that weird plot point later. But, it's just so sad because Jamie and William were so close to getting to her. This poor young woman wanted to leave this world in control rather than letting someone else, especially another man, decide her fate.

I do really like the scenes we got between Lord John and William. They're really sweet and this was kind of the first time we really see what kind of father and parent Lord John is. He's supportive, listens to William, and cautions him but doesn't judge him for his feelings towards Jane and wanting to save her.
Alright, let's switch over to Claire for a little bit. I love how Jamie really listens when Claire is talking about her medical knowledge, and these two really are blood of my blood, indeed. I also believe that there would be some sort of miracle where their blood would match or something because this is Jamie and Claire. These two still get me even after seven seasons. I love them so much.
They truly have some wonderful scenes together in the Outlander season 7 finale. And Jamie taking care of Claire mirrors the season 1 finale a little bit when she was taking care of him. Claire is such a funny patient and that peeing scene had me laughing so much. We needed something a little more lighthearted with all those emotional beats happening. Jamie is such a good caretaker. But did we really expect anything less from the king of men?

I also really enjoyed the scene between Lord John, Jamie, and Claire. The two gentlemen hashing it out a bit was also hilarious. And I love Caitríona Balfe's expressions here. She's lets the men be men for a moment, then says a much-needed thank you to Lord John for all he did. Oh, how far these two have come. I don't think Jamie is ever going to fully forgive Lord John though. I don't know. Also, why was that goodbye super emotional? Are they not going to see each other again?
And that brings me to Jamie and William. Jamie promises his Sassenach that they're going to go home and back to Frasers Ridge. Yes, finally! I hope all this war stuff and their involvement in it is done. I'm kind of over it to be honest. Though I do feel like it's a bit strange Jamie didn't face any consequences for leaving the army.
Anyway, if they do indeed go back to North Carolina, are Jamie and William going to be able to have any sort of relationship? Their team up and mission was awesome to see! I think it was also really sweet the way Jamie gave his son some positive words about Geneva compared to everything else he's heard about his mother. And ugh, those little flashbacks to Jamie and William hugging when he was a cute little kid? It tore at my heart! Even so, William tells Jamie "I will never call you father." And oh man. The complete heartbreak on Jamie's face.

Outlander season 7 finale ending explained
Ok, let's address the elephant in the room. And that is the big Outlander season 7 finale cliffhanger! Sooooo, is Faith actually alive? Are Jane and Fanny really Jamie and Claire's granddaughters? Or are these all just some very weird coincidences? We do not have the answers to all these questions, and I really need things to be cleared up in Outlander season 8, please. Like, please don't tell me William slept with his niece. EW.
I'm honestly not 100% on board with this storyline, if it is where the story is going. If it's all mere coincidence and the show wanted to play with our emotions a little bit. Then, fine. Though if Faith really did live somehow and these girls really are their granddaughters, eh. I don't know. I mean, Outlander has it's fair share of drama. But this is a bit too much. We'll see where the story goes. It was really cool to see Master Raymond again though, even if it was for a quick and mysterious moment.
Man, this episode was jam-packed! There's still more that happened. I'm happy to see the MacKenzies reunited. They deserve it after being apart for so long. And I really, really thought the scene between Brianna and her grandfather, Brian, was so heartwarming. Especially with Outlander: Blood of My Blood coming in the summer, it was nice to have Brian talking about his love, Ellen.
Also, why did we have to see Rollo like that? Like, were the eyes open necessary? I'm going to miss him so much! Though good news. Rachel is pregnant - yay! - and the newlywed couple is going to Frasers Ridge with his uncle and auntie.

Outlander season 7 episode 16, aka the season finale, had so many emotional beats and callbacks to some of the most difficult times in Jamie and Claire's lives when it comes to their children. There were a few storylines that came to a good enough resolution after everything that happened this season, while of course keeping us intrigued to see what happens next.
A true highlight for me is the young actress who plays Fanny, Florrie May Wilkinson. She is an absolute delight, so talented, and broke my heart. I'm looking forward to seeing more of her in the eighth and final season. I also think that playing the original version of “I Do Like To be Beside the Seaside” with the end credits rolling was genius!
As I mentioned before, I think this was a really great episode that gave me lots of feels. Though I don't know what it is that I feel like might be missing, it wasn't one of my favorite finales. This would have been a cruel way to end the season, but I feel like last week's season 7 episode 15 would have had a bigger impact. I don't know. It might be because I'm not completely on board with this Faith still lived storyline. It feels a bit unnecessary. We'll see where the story goes I guess. Episode grade level: B.
Stream episodes from the seven seasons of Outlander on Starz, and stay tuned to Show Snob as we bring you updates about Outlander season 8, aka the final season!