Dark Matter episode 9 review: The finale is a let down

Courtesy: Apple TV+
Courtesy: Apple TV+ /

We've reached the end of Dark Matter as episode 9 is the last episode. It's likely that there will be no season 2 of the Apple TV+ series, and honestly I don't think there needs to be another one. Even though the finale did leave us with some lingering questions. I expected more in this grand finale, and was kind of let down. Here's what happened in "Entanglement" and what I thought about it. For a full recap, click here. SPOILERS BELOW!

There's just too many Jasons

The episode picks up right where last week's episode 8 left off, this time with who I'm going to call Rogue Jason finding Jason2 in the basement after Daniela pushed him down the stairs. I'll be real with you, it was so satisfying to see Jason2 getting beat up and suffering a bit. This Rogue Jason was not holding back. And I don't blame him! Even if he isn't the OG Jason, he's gone through the same experiences as him.

Though he's not the only one who's been "created." It turns out there's so many other versions of the main character who are now in this world, and they're all after one thing: Daniela and Charlie. There's a message board with them all sharing information about their whereabouts, basically stalking them and surveilling the house, and threatening each other on this message board. Each one thinks he should be the one to live with Daniela and Charlie, and one Jason even suggests they take turns. Ok.

I was alright with having a few Jasons running around in episode 8, but the show lost me here in the finale. This just got to be too much and too out of hand. And honestly it wasn't a very effective plot device. Yes, it caused a heightened fear for Jason, Daniela, and Charlie, which eventually does force them to leave their home behind. But Jason hardly even interacts or fights these other Jasons. Just a couple. So I don't know. This felt empty to me and it felt like the story was trying to do too much.

Joel Edgerton as Jason in Dark Matter on Apple TV+
Courtesy: Apple TV+ /

Jason vs. Jason2 doesn't happen and that's a disappointment

In some way, a version of the original Jason does get to beat up Jason2 when he's tied up at the Dessen home. But the "real" Jason doesn't get to do that. And they don't come face to face except for basically two scenes. Yes, there's all these Jasons running around this reality of Chicago and they're a threat. But the story has always been about Jason vs. Jason2. And the nonexistent showdown and conclusion to the story between them is a disappointment.

By the time Jason2 arrives at the home Jason, Daniela, and Charlie are taking refuge in, he's very remorseful and apologetic as he can now see the huge mess and hurt he's created not only for himself, but for Daniela and Charlie as well. And as we saw in previous episodes, Jason has kind of understood how Jason2 was able to bring it upon himself to take his life and even hurt another version of himself.

I see all of that. But, still. It felt like we were working towards not only Jason making it back home, but eventually having to deal and face off against Jason2. And this just went nowhere. And actually in the book the sci-fi drama is based on, the two do fight and Jason2 is killed. Now that would have been a more satisfying conclusion. Though Charlie does get a punch in, and I was like, yes!

Jennifer Connelly as Daniela in Dark Matter on Apple TV+
Courtesy: Apple TV+ /

Instead, the anticipation of this dies very quickly and Jason2 helps the family escape. And though they're initially blocked by all the Jasons at the Box coming to say goodbye, and reluctant to let them leave, he tells everyone to let them through. And they just decide to suddenly listen to the Jason that has hurt them all. Also, if these are supposed to be a multitude of different Jasons, why are they all basically the same? They're all violent and none of them are reasonable or rational.

Their characteristics basically are there to conveniently serve the story in the fact that the Dessen family needs to leave this world behind because it's too dangerous. Eh. I don't buy it. Plus, if multiples of this Jason were created, then shouldn't multiples of Jason2 have appeared? There's a few plot holes here that I can't ignore.

Joel Edgerton in Dark Matter on Apple TV+
Courtesy: Apple TV+ /

Grading the Dark Matter finale (episode 9)

There were a few things I did like about Dark Matter episode 9. The first is that the story slowed down a bit and were able to get some quiet, intimate moments between Jason, Daniela, and Charlie. After his long separation from his family and all that he went through to get back to them, it was really sweet to see these scenes. I also like that the show didn't create unncessary tension between Jason and Daniela. She doesn't blame him for what happened, even if he blames himself.

When it comes to the episode as a whole and the ending, unfortunately I'm not as impressed and I feel like it was predictable in a way. After the high stakes of it all, everything just died down quickly and it was made easy for the family to escape. After all the Jasons let them through, they get into the Box and are headed to a new reality that Charlie chooses. And though we don't see it, it's implied Jason, Daniela, and Charlie will find a good place to live in. This is an intriguing ending.

Though I personally don't like open-ended endings so this is a bit frustrating for me as we don't know where they end up. Plus there's other lingering questions like what happened to Leighton and what was with Amanda and another version of Ryan meeting? I expected more from the final episode, especially because overall the Dark Matter story is a unique and interesting one. But the finale just did not deliver and is actually my least favorite episode. Episode grade level: C. To find all of the reviews from this season, head over here.

All nine episodes of Dark Matter are now streaming on Apple TV+.

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