Have you started watching all 10 episodes of Sweet Magnolias season 4 yet on Netflix? There's a character death, an engagement, a wedding, and so much more that happens this season. Of course, one of the main things we always wonder about is the couples' relationship statuses as well. Especially those that have been teased since season 1, like Ty and Annie. Do these two finally get together? Let's break down their relationship this season below. SPOILERS AHEAD.

It's been three seasons of these teens skirting around each other. But finally in Sweet Magnolias season 4, yes. Ty and Annie do get together! And from the very first episode too, actually. But, it may not stay that way by the time the end of the season rolls around. Let's talk about the happy moments first though. During a fun Halloween party, everyone is gathered and that of course includes Annie and her family. Ty finally has the courage to do what he's wanted to do for years and tells Annie, "I have loved you for as long as I can remember, and I always will." Aw.
The couple makes out for a while, but who can blame them? They've both been waiting forever for this moment. Kyle and Katie walk in on them and have to interrupt as it's time for the surprise the Townsend-Maddox family has in store for everyone. And that's Cal and Maddie's wedding! Though there's no regrets and everything stays on track here for Ty and Annie.
Throughout the season, we see how she's supportive of her boyfriend's band and music. And she's minding her business about the decisions the band makes. He's also supportive of her photography and wanting to go to school. They're all lovey dovey for as long as they can be until Ty leaves for almost half the season to be on the road with the band for his music.

The lovebirds bid a temporary farewell on a good note, and he won't be gone long. He says he'll be back before Christmas to celebrate the holidays together. Ty keeps his word and actually goes to see Annie first when he makes it back, and it's a cute reunion. With it being the last episode, us viewers thought the couple would make it to the finish line on solid terms before the season ended. Unfortunately though, that's not the case.
Annie gets into her dream school for photography and Ty's band has been offered the chance to open for another band they met on the road in Europe. In a negative way of attempting to keep them together, Ty suggests Annie come on the tour with him and forget about school until that's over. Which would of course put her behind and have her basically rejecting the school's acceptance of her.
She can't put aside her dreams for his, and she tells him that. Plus, she's disappointed he doesn't think their relationship can handle a year-long separation after it took so long to confess his feelings. So while Ty and Annie do finally get together in Sweet Magnolias season 4, the couple does not end on a good place by the final episode of the season.
It's not clear whether this is just an argument or a breakup. Not only has Ty seriously hurt Annie's feelings and show a selfish side to himself, but the two will be going two very separate ways - one in Europe and the other in California. So what does this mean for their realtionship now? We'll get the answer to that if the drama gets renewed for a fifth season at Netflix. In the meantime, we're kind of stuck in limbo and in the unknown.
Sweet Magnolias season 4 is now streaming on Netflix.