True Detective Season Two: Vince Vaughn Caught on Set

It’s been a while since we’ve had some good on-set photos from True Detective’s second season. This is a combination of the private nature of series — we’ve had no official True Detective season two materials released so far — and possibly a high amount of security of secrecy during production.

These photos come courtesy of The Daily Mail and show Vince Vaughn in costume on the set of True Detective.  From the photos Vaughn is looking like a put-together businessman and he can be seen angrily speaking with an associate. Villainous indeed.

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True Detective has continued production even while adding many new cast members recently. The second season of True Detective is supposedly supposed to premiere in January, but we’re not going to hold our breath on that one.

Season two of True Detective is set to star Vince Vaughn, Taylor Kitsch, Colin Farrell, and Rachel McAdams.

The first season of True Detective has been nominated for both SAG and Golden Globes awards, so even though we don’t have a lot to go on from season two’s production, a lot has been happening in the world of True Detective.

You can head over to The Daily Mail to see the full set of leaked pics.

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