True Detective Snubbed by Variety’s Best Moments of 2014

The year-end lists have been making the rounds lately, and True Detective has shown up on quite a few of them. But not all of themVariety’s recent list, which celebrates the best TV moments of 2014, is noteworthy because True Detective didn’t make the cut.

That’s not to say that True Detective is worthy of every accolade under the sun, but it’s an interesting snub because True Detective featured one of the most talked about sequences in recent television history. A sequence that certainly deserves to be listed with Game of Thrones now infamous battle with The Red Viper.

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That sequence, of course, is the six-minute plus tracking sequence featuring McConaughey’s Rust. It was a stunning piece of work, and without a doubt one of the top television highlights of 2014.

Of course, when it comes to ranked lists, not everyone can make the cut.

Fargo, a show that has somewhat become True Detective’s rival, also didn’t make the cut. Interestingly enough, however, The Strain did, a show that hasn’t been on many of these lists thus far.

Do you agree with Variety’s snub? The Raid sequence in the episode “Who Goes There” was a television marvel that had the blogosphere afire long after it aired. At the very least True Detective made Variety’s more general best of 2014 list. 

You can’t win em’ all. But you can relive the fantastic moment for yourself.

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