2015 Oscars: We’ll be Watching

Don’t worry, True Detective has zero presence at the Oscars. You don’t have to fret over whether or not they’ll be able to take home a big award, as the Oscars are a film-only affair. But that doesn’t mean they’re not worth watching, True Detective fan or otherwise.

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The Oscars usually put on a worthwhile show, even if they do tend to run a bit too long. And since True Detective can’t be nominated for anything, you’ll be free to enjoy the show without worry.

Wouldn’t that be nice? If you do plan on tuning into tonight’s 2015 Oscars, we’ll be right there with you.

Even though True Detective and the Oscars don’t exactly mix, we’ll still be checking it out and live-tweeting the event. You know, for fun. If you plan on watching as well, don’t hesitate to join us on Twitter @Trudetective.

True Detective has actually managed to win a fair share of smaller guild awards so far, so it’s actually doing alright. Most recently True Detective won two awards for writing and one for costuming. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

So come join us as we battle out whether Birdman or The Grand Budapest Hotel is more worthy. And why exactly was Inherent Vice snubbed? All these important questions and more will be tackled tonight. The 2015 Oscars will air on ABC at 8:30 EST.

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