Revisit the True Detective Season One Trailer (Video)

Yesterday marked the release of the second trailer for True Detective season two. It’s been a slow release leading up to it, but HBO and True Detective have been keeping us satisfied with a number of teases. The first two True Detective season two trailers have focused on the characters using close-up shots and keeping the action to a minimum.

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But what about the first season? Since we’ll be leaving the characters of True Detective season one behind, now is a great time to look back one more time at the one of the major trailers HBO released.

This True Detective season one trailer features voice-overs of Rust and Marty that describe themselves, each other, and their work.

It’s also worth noting that this particular trailer is forty-five seconds longer than both of the season two True Detective trailers released so far. HBO still has some time to release a longer trailer that incorporates more, but for now both season two trailers have been fairly vague.

This trailer, with hits wide shots of the landscape and ominous feel, does a better job at selling the True Detective story than either of the season two trailers do. The True Detective season one trailer also came out a few short months before the season premiered, putting that particular timetable on par with season two.

But this trailer feels larger than the first; it feels more powerful and more inclusive of what the season had to offer. A series should never be judged too harshly by its trailer but so far the trailers for the second season of True Detective don’t quite reach this high. Again we end up asking the question: is it just us?

Here is the second trailer of True Detective again to help you decide:

Next: The second trailer for True Detective season two is here.

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