Entertainment Weekly Marks True Detective as a “Loser”

Now that season two of True Detective is over and we’re actually looking ahead to season three, other outlets have started judging season two as a whole. It’s part of the time-honored tradition of “Best and Worst Summer TV.” Well, unfortunately, Entertainment Weekly has marked True Detective in the worst category, officially labeling it as a “loser” of the season.

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Entertainment Weekly’s reason for tossing aside True Detective are rather harsh. They go so far as to say that “the show plummeted to TV depths we haven’t seen before.” That’s some pretty rough hyperbole. The characters are called “unlikable” and the story “totally confusing,” which does have some merit. They also go into some of the questionable dialogue choices that Nic Pizzolatto made, and we can back them up a little on that one as well.

The thing this summer is to bash True Detective, and that’s exactly what’s happening and will continue to happen. Not that season two didn’t have plenty of issues. In our own personal reviews, we talk about just what happened with season two. Still, it’s difficult to paint True Detective season two as one of the worst shows to ever grace television.

In time, season two of True Detective may just be seen as something of an oddity. Okay, maybe it will take a long time. It’s okay that season two has become everyone’s favorite punching bag. The real test will be how many viewers actually return to watch season three.

Next: Will True Detective season three take place in Europe?

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