True Detective and Twin Peaks Make Good Bedfellows (Video)


True Detective is at least partially responsible for reviving the idea of the noir cop. It wasn’t the first to try, though. That honor belongs to Twin Peaks, which Showtime will be bringing back in 2017. Twin Peaks and True Detective have been closely related since True Detective’s first season. Cary Fukunaga, the director of season one, has said that David Lynch’s work on Twin Peaks was an inspiration to him.

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In True Detective’s second season, allusions to Twin Peaks were impossible to miss. Some of which, it must be said, may have been a little too on the nose for True Detective’s own good. Now, YouTube user ConserveColoradoCoconuts has combined the two in a more literal fashion.

There was a bit of a hubbub over season two’s theme song a couple of months back. Now just imagine that instead of Leonard Cohen’s “Never Mind,” we heard the distinctive Twin Peaks theme by Angelo Badalamenti. This brings True Detective one step closer to actually being Twin Peaks, which from the general vibe of season two and the amount of references is something that Nic Pizzolatto wouldn’t mind exploring.

It doesn’t really fit. Maybe that’s because we’re so accustomed to hearing the Twin Peaks theme playing over calming scenes of the logging town, but it doesn’t entirely get the job done. It might work a bit better for those that are less attached to Twin Peaks. You can watch it below and let us know if it works for you.

Via: Reddit

Next: The True Detective-esque Matthew McConaughey Lincoln Commercials are back.

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