Matthew McConaughey Passes (Again) on the Marvel Cinematic Universe

For those longing to see Rust Cohle turning super villain — it would be quite fitting — you’re going to have to wait a bit longer. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been swallowing up A-list actor after A-list actor, making it more and more difficult to find a huge star that hasn’t been in a superhero movie. A decade ago that would have seemed insane. We’ve come a long way, people.

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According to Variety, Matthew McConaughey is still resisting the lure of the superhero genre — and what must be a significant amount of money. Variety recently reported that both Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn offered Matthew McConaughey a role as a villain in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Unfortunately for McConaughey lovers everywhere, however, the actor decided to pass.

This isn’t the first time that Matthew McConaughey has decided to pass on a superhero movie. While promoting Sea of Trees, McConaughey talked about looking at scripts from both Marvel and DC. Nothing materialized from those talks. It looks like McConaughey is playing hard to get against the advances of the superhero world.

That could mean that when he does choose a super movie to appear in — and he will at some point — it would be considered a major get. His ability to hold out this long will become the stuff of legend. At least Marvel isn’t starved for True Detective actors, as Rachel McAdams will be taking on Doctor Strange next year.

Maybe it would be best if he just showed up as a cameo. The possibilities are both limitless and null, since it doesn’t look he’ll be donning a cape anytime soon. It will be inserting to see how this all shakes out in the future.

Via: Cosmic Book News

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