Rachel McAdams Recognized for True Detective by Salon

Someone from True Detective season two made a list, and this time it wasn’t a bad one.

The year-end TV lists for 2015 all have a lot in common. Everybody basically loved many of the same shows, and the same could be said for what they disliked. Therefore, True Detective has shown up a lot on these lists. Not in the Best category, of course.

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Something must have changed in the atmosphere, because nobody told Salon that they weren’t allowed to give True Detective any props. Salon put together a short list recognizing the five best television performances of 2015, and, amazingly, Rachel McAdams made the cut. It’s almost difficult to believe.

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Rachel McAdams ranks right at the bottom at number five, and she’s joined by Aya Cash from Mr. Robot. Mr. Robot is another one of those shows that everybody has been talking about, and for good reason. It has become a major hit for Anonymous Content, the same producers behind True Detective.

Even though Salon points out Rachel McAdam’s performance as Ani Bezzerides as being the “one saving grace,” they didn’t pull any of their punches. They also called True Detective season two an “awful failure” and that “the show didn’t quite deserve her.” Fair enough. Still, it’s nice to see someone stick up for at least one aspect of True Detective.

Next: Check out twelve of our picks for True Detective season three.

Once season two was declared a failure, it felt as if it became taboo to speak highly of any single part of it. Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell have gotten most of the attention, but there were other actors in True Detective that also deserve some attention.