True Detective Reimagined as a Full-On Rom-Com (Video)

True Detective season two was so serious and dark, that it was only natural for there to be a number of spoofs spawned from it. We’ve seen Ray and his son cut as a sitcom, as well as a skit in the vein of Everybody Loves Raymond. It’s only natural that these wold continue, especially considering that most still consider season two to be, let’s say, not so great.

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This newest spoof is brought to us by worldwideinterweb and hosted by Daily Motion. It brings out the love story between Ray and Ani that was always there, bubbling beneath the surface. Well, now it’s here in plain view. Oh, and it’s awesome. According to the video, both Ray and Ani are “both guilty of love in the 1st degree.” Can’t really argue with that.

Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, and Rachel McAdams have all done their fair share of romantic comedies. Taylor Kitsch doesn’t make the cut here, but that’s probably for the best. A couple of more edits and you’d probably be able to make a full episode of True Detective as a romantic comedy. Actually, that’s something that we’d really like to see.

Somebody get on that.

You can watch the clip below, which should mend broken hearts and re-instill the power of love.

Via: The AV Club

Next: Ben Affleck Takes a Jab at True Detective.

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